We are now working with a new self-check-in system called Skedda, where you view the calendar and book the room you want yourself. It’s quick and easy!

For The Goddess Hall and Keridwen room, you can view the calendar on Skedda ONLY. You cannot book these rooms yourself; once you have checked the availability, please get in touch with me, and I will book you in.


Booking Our Rooms

You can find information and prices for standard bookings for each room on the menu above.

Weekend Bookings

We offer a discount for weekend bookings for all rooms except the Star Room. For this to apply you must book the following times:

Saturday 9:30 am – 9:30 pm and
Sunday 9:30am – 5:30pm

The discounted prices are as follows:

Goddess Hall: £260
Nolava and Brighde Rooms: £200
Banbha Room: £180
Rhiannon: £140
Keridwen: £140
Avalon: £240
Miracles: £200

If you wish also to have Sunday evening £30 will be added to the prices above; for example the Nolava Room for Saturday and Sunday both from 9:30 am to 9:30 pm would be priced at £230.

NB: When you book a weekend the discount will be applied AFTER you have booked, so that the price you see will be all the prices for the relevant times on the individual room prices added up, and then the discount will be applied before you are charged.